SUPERCLOUD final Review Meeting
- 23 March 2018 /
- by Barbara Gaggl /
On 15th March 2018, the final review meeting took place in Brussels. Already the day before, the consortium partners came together for a preparation meeting, where the planned presentations, especially the demonstrations Healthcare Laboratory Information System “CLINIdATA®” and Philips Medical Imaging Platform, were rehearsed. On Thursday, the final review meeting took place where partners were pleased to present the project work and results to the Project Officer and the reviewers from various backgrounds. After a warm welcome by the Project Officer and the Coordinator, each WP lead presented the work performed and the main achievements of the review period of their respective work package. A short question and answer session followed after each presentation. Finally, the technical lead summed up the project results, explained the impact and dissemination and exploitation plans and opened a final Q&A session. After the EC internal meeting, very positive feedback was provided by the PO and the reviewers. All in all it was a great and engaging meeting with a lot of interesting presentations and discussions. The whole consortium is happy to have successfully completed the project and is looking forward to future collaboration.